Game designer, Keither Piggott, dives into River of Gold!
If you’re not familiar with the Legend of the Five Rings franchise, worry not! While River of Gold is story-rich for existing fans, it also boasts a satisfying level of strategy and quick turns that midweight euro players will love. To help share a bit more about how River of Gold came to be, we chatted with the game designer himself, Keith Piggott.
Q: I understand L5R wasn’t originally the theme of the game, what was your original inspiration for the game design?
A: Originally the game was themed around the rise of Route 66 in America. Instead of visiting shrines and ports, you were stopping at diners and service stations. My wife and I visited several Route 66 landmarks on a vacation over a decade ago, and I’ve thought for a while that it would be a great theme for more board games – maybe I’ll revisit it one day!

Q: After GenCon 2023, L5R players had feedback that you implemented in the Clan Patrons mini expansion. Can you tell me more about the feedback you received and how you believe the Patrons filled the gap?
A: Some of the feedback we received at Gen Con last year was that while players really enjoyed the overall game, they wanted to feel like the clan that they were playing impacted how they play the game. We came up with the Clan Patrons mini expansion as a way for players to have asymmetric powers that represent their favorite clans. So now the Scorpion player can sneakily control influence in different regions, while the Crab player has powers that let them construct buildings more strategically and effectively. I think players are really going to enjoy representing their favorite clan!
Q: How do you feel about how your design has evolved into the Legend of the Five Rings?
A: I think the design ended up fitting really well into L5R. We made several changes during development that helped bring out the setting and theme, such as expanding the customer cards. Instead of just delivering a set of resources and getting points, you’re delivering porcelain to a noble who then upgrades one of your ships, or silk to an elder who helps you gain influence in the region where they live.

Q: Playtesting is obviously an important part of game design – what is your experience like to listen to players’ feedback?
A: Some of the feedback we received at Gen Con last year was that while players really enjoyed the overall game, they wanted to feel like the clan that they were playing impacted how they play the game. We came up with the Clan Patrons mini expansion as a wPlaytesting is critically important to making a game the best it can be. As a designer you’re often too close to a game to see its faults and the places it can be improved. River of Gold has been playtested hundreds (maybe thousands???) of times since I first came up with the design back in 2019 and it’s a better game for it. ay for players to have asymmetric powers that represent their favorite clans. So now the Scorpion player can sneakily control influence in different regions, while the Crab player has powers that let them construct buildings more strategically and effectively. I think players are really going to enjoy representing their favorite clan!
Q: Do you have an L5R clan you’re loyal to? Or if you aren’t in the fandom, which do you think you would most identify with and why?
A: I think my even keel nature and steady approach to things in life definitely puts me in the Crab Clan. Members of the other clans can get all the power and glory, but you need people to get the hard work done. Of course, I could just be saying this as a spy for the Scorpion Clan…

Q: If you were a customer card in the game, what would your order be and what benefit would you give the player who filled your order? (this can, and should, be silly)
A: I would have an order for ink, parchment and all the other supplies needed to design the Royal Board Game of Rokugan. My reward to the player would be divine favor but unfortunately not any koku – board game designers aren’t the wealthiest citizens of Rokugan!
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to share about your process, the design, yourself, or advice you’d like to give to upcoming designers?
A: River of Gold has been a journey of over 5 years from the first idea, to publication. I know the announcement of a euro style game may have been a bit of a surprise for fans of L5R, but I really hope everyone gives the game a chance and I think they will find something to enjoy.
For new designers – the design community is very welcoming. If you have an idea for a board game – go for it! Find a local design group and get a prototype together. It’s an incredibly rewarding process to see players enjoying something you created!

Thanks for joining us for this designer spotlight, and a HUGE thank you to Keith for all of his work making River of Gold what it is today! We’re excited to share even more as we lead up to the Gen Con launch. Stay tuned!