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Tag :Cooperative Archives - Office Dog Games — A gamer's best friend

The Fellowship of the Ring TTG Prerelease Events: Your Journey Starts Here!

Artist Spotlight: Elaine Ryan

We have been looking forward to this interview for MONTHS! The Fellowship of the Ring: Trick-Taking Game is such an homage to classic literary tale, and Elain Ryan’s stunning stained-glass illustrations bring the story to the table in an authentic and inspired way. Join us as we dive into the illustrative history of Elaine Ryan, […]

Announcing The Fellowship of the Ring: Trick Taking Game

Embark on the legendary adventure in a cooperative, card-based game where players take on the roles of beloved characters and work together to complete objectives and overcome challenges. Designed by Bryan Bornmueller, this game brings together one of his favorite types of games and one of his favorite fandoms in a fast-paced adventure that brings […]

Word Traveler Announcement!

For us, the sign of a great party game is when you don’t actually care if you win or lose, and Word Traveler definitely meets this expectation. Designed by Thomas Dagenais-Lespérance – the acclaimed designer behind BGG’s #1 party game, Decrypto – Word Traveler keeps the fun in the forefront, and the win condition as […]